“中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都”。瓷器是中国历史上的伟大发明之一,景德镇因瓷而名,成为中国古代四大名镇之一,赢得“中国瓷都”的美誉。其瓷艺更有“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”之美称。因而取瓷制乐是中华民族的文化象征。景德镇市瓷乐团为了宏扬民族文化,经过十几年的苦心探索,成功地研制了一套新型民族乐器——瓷系列乐器。这套瓷乐器采用优质瓷土按专业乐器技术要求精制而成,演奏起来清新悦耳,美妙动听,是景德镇瓷器“声如磬”的集中体现。具有音质纯正优美,音域音量适中和音准校定后不受气温影响而较稳定的特点。目前在世界上尚属首创。 早在1985年,景德镇市瓷乐团就推出了以瓷盘为主要材料的新型民族打击乐器“瓷瓯”,先后获得国家发明银奖和文化部科技成果奖,被誉为“中国一绝”和“世界首创”。在全国各地演出600多场和赴日本交流演出受到普遍欢迎和赞赏。1991年该团又研制出“薄型瓷编磬”并通过了省科委的鉴定。从此,研制一套瓷系列乐器,一直是该团领导和专业人员的目标和心愿。在中华人民共和国五十年华诞的大喜之年,景德镇市瓷乐团的艺术家们在十余年的积累和探索的基础上,以饱满的政治热情、卓越的智慧和辛勤的劳动,研制出一套新型民族乐器——瓷系列乐器,向祖国母亲献一份沉甸甸的厚礼。 这套瓷乐器包括瓷瓯、瓷磬、瓷笛、瓷箫、瓷方响、瓷高胡、瓷鼓、瓷埙、瓷唢呐、瓷管钟、瓷编钟、瓷胡琴以及小型打击乐器等十三个品种,18件(套)。这套瓷乐器一问世,首先在99昆明“世博会“上亮相引起轰动,那优美的乐器,动听的乐曲,给中外游客留下了深刻的印象。继而在99江西艺术节上又一炮打响,获得组委会专设的“瓷乐器创新特别奖”。金秋十月,在第十届景德镇国际陶瓷节开幕上,瓷乐器演奏使外国朋友和海外来宾感到新奇而兴奋,纷纷称赞“好极了”,简直是“天上仙乐”。新闻界、文化界认识盛赞瓷乐器为陶瓷文化的瑰宝,认为瓷乐器的出现,是千年景文化的升华。一时间中央电台、人民日报、新华社、文汇报、新民晚报、中国文化报、北京日报等数十家新闻媒体报道了瓷乐器诞生这一成果。近几年来,党和国家领导人江泽民、曾庆红、尉建行、钱其琛以及各部委领导人,均兴致勃勃地观看了瓷乐演奏。与此同时,瓷乐团还先后赴日本、瑞典、俄罗斯、亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、香港、澳门、北京、上海、广州、武汉、昆明等国家和地区演出,所到之处均受到热烈欢迎和强烈反响。一位资深专家撰文指出:景德镇市瓷乐团研制的瓷乐器和组建的瓷乐队在音乐艺术方面的成功体现于:既具有民族丝、竹、金、革的演奏共性,更有陶瓷音质清澈透明之特色;既继承了古老的艺术形式,有弘扬了主旋律的内容。这正是:钟磬箫笛炽交响,古瓷民乐奏新声。 Chinaware is one of the four great inventions of Ancient China. Jingde Town, one of the four great inventions in ancient China, is famous for chinaware. The chinaware from this town is as white as gem, clear as mirror and thin as paper, and it made beautiful sounds like musical instruments. In ANCIENT china, a lot of musical device were made from china. According to history records, this kind of musical instruments were once very popular in some dynasties, such as XUN (a holed wind instrument), SHIQING(a musical stone), CIOU(musical basin) TUGU(earth drum), CIXIAO(chinaware flute), etc. Some of these instruments are used in folk music and some for royal court performance. And most of them are lost. In order to inherit and develop the traditional musical treasures, in 1985 our troupe successfully reproduced CIOU(musical basin), which is mainly made of china. This reproduction was awarded State Invention Silver Prize and Outstanding Achievement of Cultural Ministry. In 1991, we invented Thin-chinaware Qing(musical stone), which obtained provincial scientific appraisal. In August 1999,we develop a series of chinaware musical instruments based on the original CIOU and thin-chinaware Qing, including china flute, china XUN (a holed wind instrument), chime, drum, suona horn, erhu. They form a complete set of instrument. This set is made of high-quality china earth with professional technologies. They sound clear and wonderful, reflecting the features of chinaware form Jingde Town. They have pure acoustic fidelity, moderate musical range and free from temperature influence after tuning. This is the first in the musical world.